Policy Network and the IDEAS Foundation holded a one-day conference on the future of the European Union in Madrid on the 26th February 2010. It builded on the research initiative entitled ‘An EU “fit for purpose” in the global age’ organised by Policy Network, in association with the European Institute of the London School of Economics and ELIAMEP.

Marking the launch of the Spanish translation of Policy Network’s synthesis report “An EU ‘fit for purpose’ in the global age – Can we rise to the challenge?senior European political figures and experts discussed the passage from the Lisbon Strategy to the ‘EU 2020” strategy as designed to lead the EU out of the financial crisis while moving towards a smart and green economy. Speakers included ELIAMEP’s president, Prof. Loukas Tsoukalis, Pat Cox, Roger Liddle, Olaf Cramme, Jesus Caldera, Carlos Mulas, Juan Moscoso, and Diego Lopez Garrido.