Tag Archive: migration trends

Immigration flows and the management of the EU’s Southern Maritime Borders

See here a Clandestino related publication: Immigration flows and the management of the EU’s Southern Maritime Borders, Documentos CIDOB, n. 17 Migraciones, december 2008 (pdf). Authors: Dirk Godenau Vicente Manuel Zapata Hernadez, Paolo Cuttitta, Anna Triandafyllidou, Thanos Maroukis, Gemma Pinyol (ed.)


CLANDESTINO research project: Irregular Migration policies in Central and Eastern Europe

CLANDESTINO critically explores the sources of data and estimates of irregular migration and, in particular, the validity and reliability of the methods used in their production. In doing so, it shows why and how migrants become irregular and whether and how they can achieve legal status. The transformation of the economic and political structure of […]
