Tag Archive: labour market

Employment protection legislation (EPL) in Greece (2010-2017)

This article aims at offering a critical overview of the major institutional initiatives in the field of employment protection legislation (EPL) during the recent economic adjustment programs in Greece (2010-2017). Furthermore, in the context of the European debate about the role and impact of employment protection legislation, the article investigates if these reforms constitute a […]


Migration in 21st century Greece

The collective volume entitled Migration in 21st century Greece, edited by Anna Triandafyllidou and Thanos Maroukis, explores the Greek immigration experience in the national context as well as within the contemporary European environment. The authors offer an overview of the phenomenon of migration, presenting the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the immigrants, their integration in […]


Economic migration in Greece: labour market and social inclusion

The study of the labour supply and demand of economic migrants from Albania that this book tackles with highlights the significance of social sciences in the analysis of concepts, such as the labour market, that are often treated as a field of the economic science. The first part of the book discusses the theoretical framework […]


When size and diversity do not really matter: the dismal political economy of social and labour market policy coordination in the EU

Interrelation between widening and deepening may hardly be present under certain circumstances pertaining to potential membership and/or particular policy areas. This is theoretically discussed, albeit very briefly, in the first section. And it is empirically analyzed in the second section, in regard to social and labour market policy. The last section concludes. Title When size […]
