ELIAMEP’s South-East Europe Programme participates in the three-year long programme MIGREC (October 2019- September 2022), funded by the EU. MIGREC’s principal goal is to build capacities and strengthen the structures that will enhance migration-related research and studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade. 

MIGREC is the first H2020 programme in social studies with a leading partner coming from Serbia, namely the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade. The other partners in the programme are the University of Sheffield and the South-East European Research Center in Thessaloniki.

The programmme’s outcome will be the establishment of a research center entitled “MIGREC” (Migration, Integration and Governance Research Center), under the auspices of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade. This research center will ensure the continuation of research and publications on the field of migration as well as the support and mentoring of its scholars and fellows through the creation of a PHD programme. Moreover, the programme will support the academic personnel of the University of Belgrade by aiming at the enhancement and the intensification of their contribution to the migration-related research and the broadening of the policy agenda when it comes to Serbia’s imminent challenges. Additionally, MIGREC will build all the essential structures to guarantee an efficient coordination regarding three decisive topics: integration, the migration – development nexus and the migration – government nexus.

Amongst others, the South – East Europe Programme will contribute to the development of the relevant research strategy in these fields, the development of synergies with the migration-related networks in Serbia and the Western Balkans, the process of academic publications, the setting up of a PhD programme, as well as the upgrading of research methodology in social sciences through the organization of Summer Schools.

For more information, please visit the programme’s website: http://migrec.fpn.bg.ac.rs/