
The French portal on European issues TOUTELEUROPE held jointly with Policy network, Terra Nova, the European Institute of London School of Economics and ELIAMEP (members of the European partner network of the portal TOUTELEUROPE) a public debate entitled ‘After Lisbon: how can we reanimate the European project?

While the eurozone faces deepest crisis in its history, initiatives such as the ‘EU 2020’ Agenda, the report of the Wisemen’s Committee chaired by Felipe Gonzalez, the Monti Report for public services, can open up perspectives for a new European project.

ELIAMEP President, Professor Loukas Tsoukalis presented the key findings of the report “An EU fit for purpose in the global age: can we rise to the challenge?”, elaborated by Policy Network in partnership with the European Institute of London School of Economics and ELIAMEP.

The full programme of speakers included Walter Veltroni, Former Mayor of Rome, Pierre Moscovici, member of Parliament and Former Minister of European Affairs and James Purnell, Former Minister of Culture, Former Minister of Labour and current member of the British Parliament. Olivier Ferrand, President of Terra Nova, moderated the session.

The discussion took place on Thursday, April 22 between 18.00-20.00 (french time) at Mairie du IIIe arrondissement in Paris.