This Working paper brought together the conclusions and policy relevant implications of the research conducted by the IBEU research partners. In an interim meeting in Athens in May 2004, and in the final conference that was held in Brussels in November 2004, the final results of this inter-disciplinary research and of the empirical findings of the two major surveys that were conducted within IBEU were presented to a wider audience of policy-makers, EU officials, diplomats, journalists, economists and academics.
Dissemination of the project’s output
The core of the findings of the IBEU research team have been presented in public conferences in Athens (Greece), Forlì (Italy), Belgrade (Serbia) and Brussels (Belgium). The key papers of the project’s work-packages are available from the co-ordinator’s website (www.eliamep.gr) and a series of articles have been published in academic journals focusing on the region. Furthermore, the policy relevant implications of our research have been disseminated to the wider public in the form of policy briefing notes and articles in European and Balkan newspapers and journals. The core papers have been published in the Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, published by Taylor & Francis (previously Frank Cass) and produced by ELIAMEP. Details on the samples, the methodology and the statistical analysis of the empirical data are available in the WP2 papers and in the IBEU Final Reports submitted to the EU Commission.
The summaries and policy briefs for all the WP:
- WP2 Summary and Policy Brief
- WP3 Summary and Policy Brief
- WP4 Summary and Policy Brief
- WP5 Summary and Policy Brief
Gropas Ruby
IBEU Assistant Scientific Coordinator
Tsoukalis Loukas
IBEU Scientific Coordinator