This Working paper focused on regional co-operation. The region’s rail and road infrastructure was studied in order to understand practical factors that may hamper or encourage cross-border trade and communication patterns. In addition, regional trade and trading patterns within the region and between the region and the EU were studied to identify the areas and sectors with potential within which co-operation at the regional level can be further pursued. The banking sector was also studied as a case-study of heavy foreign investment, illustrating even further the extent of the ‘hub-and spoke’ relationship that exists between SEE and the EU. In addition to the workshops, two conferences were held within the scope of this WP – one in Vienna and one in Belgrade – that provided the opportunity to discuss the challenges to regional co-operation with academics, policy-makers and officials from the countries of SEE.
Final Papers
The final papers of WP4 that were presented at our Final Conference in Brussels on 18 November 2004 can be downloaded below.
- Conceptual: Gligorov V., “Southeast Europe: Regional Co-operation with Multiple Equilibria.”
- Trade: Christie E., “Trade flows in SEE.”
- Banking: Stubos G. & Tsikripis I., “Regional Integration Challenges in SEE: Banking sector trends.”
- Infrastructure: Christie E., Gligorov V. & Holzner M., “Infrastructural needs and economic development in SEE: The case of Rail and Road Transport Infrastructure.”
See also:
Edward Christie
Gligorov Vladimir
Lead WP 4
Gropas Ruby
Holzner Mario
Stubos George
Tsoukalis Loukas