A year of hard work reflected in the creation of the website and the interactive Platform a dynamic, interactive tool that gathers in a point (one stop shop) data and information that serves the enhancement of knowledge, networking and development of know-how and forms the backbone of the Climate Change Hub. Actions from the country’s 332 municipalities, civil society organizations, the private and wider public sectors, but also scientific data and best practices, creating an accessible information bank. Participating agencies and citizens have the possibility of autonomous registration of information and data, networking, interaction and cooperation with the aim of removing communication and information barriers and enhancing transparency. The goal of the Hub is to contribute decisively to the strengthening of the green transformation of the country, undertaking a series of initiatives and actions. The Hub can strengthen local communities and municipalities which, according to the new National Climate Law, now assume important responsibilities and enrich green actions with the dimension of the real economy and entrepreneurship. It can also facilitate citizens’ access to information and data, support young people in the fight against climate change and finding green jobs, and help establish meaningful communication and close cooperation between the scientific community and state actors.

You can learn more about the Climate Change Hub’s actions here.

You can watch the discussion here.