DAAD lecturer will cover lecturing in MA and BA programmes within the International Relations Department and developing academic interest, research and projects focused on German Studies within the orbit of the European Union and will also be asked to further develop BİLGİ’s networks and academic links to German think-tanks, foundations and Universities.
Description of the vacant post is available at: https://www.daad.de/medien/ausland/ausschreibungen/lektoren/uebersicht_fachlektorate_2019-20.pdf
Online application: https://www.daad.de/ausland/lehren/daadlektoren/de/16886-freie-lektorate-dozenturen-und-sprachassistenzen/?s=1&projektid=57461776&page=1
Contact Person: Sabine Lamberz, Reference ST21, lamberz@daad.de