21 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο, London School of Economics (LSE), Λονδίνο

On Tuesday, 21st February Principal Investigator Dr. Effie Fokas and the postdoctoral researcher for the Greek case study, Dr. Margarita Markoviti were hosted by the LSE’s Hellenic Observatory. Dr. Fokas presented the Grassrootsmobilise programme as a whole, while Dr. Markoviti discussed her research on religious pluralism and education in Greece, exploring the “radiating effects” of the European Court of Human Rights in a context of prevailing religion and increasing religious pluralism. The presentations were followed by a lively Q&A session and much discussion.

The seminar details and podcast are available here.




Δημοσίευση: 22/02/2017
Έφη Φωκά Κύρια Ερευνήτρια, Θρησκεία, Δίκαιο και ελευθερία της θρησκείας, Θρησκεία και πολιτισμός