The Turkey Programme is joining forces with Medyascope, one of Turkey’s leading independent electronic media organizations to contribute to a pluralistic debate on key issues of Turkish domestic and foreign policy.
The ELIMED project consists of seven (7) 75-minute webinars, organized by team members of ELIAMEP’s Turkey Programme in collaboration with Medyascope in the format of roundtable discussions, and seven (7) policy papers summarizing the key points raised during these webinars; in this way, ELIMED aims to contribute to a more informed and sophisticated debate on these seven important topics.
Εach webinar is made available to watch in full, as well as in 30-minute versions with Greek or Turkish subtitles, and short 2-minute clips.
The ELIMED deliverables will be disseminated through the extensive network of ELIAMEP and Medyascope, targeting the European and global audience interested in Turkey, as well as Turkey’s most dynamic population groups, i.e. the youth, early-career academics and professionals.
This project is interdisciplinary and draws on theoretical frameworks from various fields including political science, economics, public administration and sociology. The project outputs will, therefore, be of interest not only to an academic audience but also to NGO members, journalists, bureaucrats and practitioners. By adopting an interdisciplinary, innovative and policy-relevant approach, this project aspires to open new channels for collaboration among these actors.
Project Coordinator: Ioannis N. Grigoriadis
Project Manager: Alexia Mitsikostas
The Centre for Applied Turkey Studies (CATS) at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin is funded by Stiftung Mercator and the Federal Foreign Office. CATS is the curator of CATS Network, an international network of think tanks and research institutions working on Turkey. ‘ELIAMEP-MEDYASCOPE MEDIA SERIES (ELIMED)’ is a project of CATS Network.

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