The overall objective of the MEDIADELCOM project is to develop a diagnostic tool for the holistic assessment of risks and opportunities concerning deliberative communication and, consequently, social cohesion in Europe. The diagnostic tool will enable the drawing of multiple risks and opportunity scenarios of the European media landscape and of the development of the media landscapes in individual EU Member States.

To achieve this objective, MEDIADELCOM will:

  • Detect and describe configurations of the potential sources of Risks and Opportunities (ROs) for deliberative communication in four domains (legal and ethical considerations, journalism, media usage patterns, media-related competencies) and formulate conceptual and operational variables for revealing the interrelations between them.
  • Map and analyse ROs-related research and data, enabling the assessment of the quality of the research on media related ROs in different EU countries.
  • Describe and analyse nation-specific paths and Europe-wide trends in the development of the European media landscape.
  • Compose a diagnostic tool by assembling relevant conditions and variables derived from ROs matrices. Using this tool, potential future scenarios and their outcomes will be outlined to illuminate plausible future developments of media landscapes which either support or imperil deliberative communication.

The project consortium:

University of Tartu (UTARTU, Coordinator), Estonia

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (UCM), Slovakia

Masaryk University (MUNI), Czech Republic

University of Warsaw (UWARSAW), Poland

Department of Political Science, University of Zagreb (FPZG), Croatia

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (USOFIA), Bulgaria

Riga Stradins University (RSU), Latvia

Erich-Brost Institute (TUD), Germany

University of Milan (UNIMI), Italy

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Greece

Center for Independent Journalism (CJI), Romania

Mérték (MERTEK), Hungary

School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University (HLK), Sweden

Jönköping International Business School (IHH), Sweden

Mid Sweden University (MIUN), Sweden

The Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies, the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), Austria

Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG), Belgium

ELIAMEP project team:

Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Senior Researcher

Anna Kandyla, Researcher

You may find more information on the project here:

News & Media:

What does a deliberative approach look like? New MEDIADELCOM podcast, 13.11.2023

Podcast and e-book by the MEDIADELCOM project, 9.6.2023.

Risks and opportunities for deliberative communication in Greece: preliminary findings from the MEDIADELCOM project, 3.6.2022.