Total: Found 133 results

Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP Dr Thanos Dokos in international conferences
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos, in a conference on the Cyprus Question
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos, in a Control Risks working meeting
Dr Thanos Dokos talked about European affairs in a FGV conference in Brazil
Talks delivered by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr Thanos Dokos, at international conferences, 12-15/10/2012
Dr Thanos Dokos and Dr Theodore Tsakiris participated as speakers at Athens Energy Forum 2015
Paper by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos, in a workshop of the British Embassy in Athens
Dr Dokos was the guest speaker on US foreign policy in Eastern Mediterranean in an AHI event
Dr Thanos Dokos spoke at the 3rd Mare Forum Maritime Energy Transportation 2016
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos, in a National Security School event
Dr Thanos Dokos spoke at Athens Energy Forum 2016
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr Th. Dokos and Research Fellow Dr Th.Tsakiris in the 2nd Cyprus Natural Gas Conference, 20-21/06/2013
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos at an international conference on the Arab Spring
Dr Thanos Dokos spoke at the Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the CFSP and CSDP, 04/04/2014
Director General of ELIAMEP Dr Thanos Dokos participated in a GRULAC Meeting
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos at the 15th East Asia-Europe Think Tank Dialogue, 28-29/10/2013
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos, in the 2nd consultative meeting of the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos, in the EXPOSEC DEFENSEWORLD 2013 conference, 03/04/2013
Participation of Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos in a debate organised by Chatham House
Participation of Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos in a conference on Euro-Mediterranean relations
Council of Europe study published with contribution by Dr Thanos Dokos
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos at an international conference in Cyprus, 14/11/2013
Dr Thanos Dokos participated in GMF workshops on energy and border security in the Mediterranean, 28 May - 4 June 2014
Dr Thanos Dokos participated at the 'Europe and the Arab World conference' organised by The Economist, 5-6 May 2014
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr Thanos Dokos at a GMF Meeting, 20-22 November 2013
Talk by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr Thanos Dokos, at a symposium organised by Air Force Command and General Staff College
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr Thanos Dokos, at Global Thinkers Forum
Dr Thanos Dokos participated at the conference 'Five Years of NATO membership for Albania' in Tirana
'Is Greece's NATO membership beneficial?' Article by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr Thanos Dokos
Dr Thanos Dokos participated at the conference 'The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in CSDP'
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP Dr Thanos Dokos in a EP debate on european defence, 29/01/2014
Dr Thanos Dokos and Dr Angeliki Dimitriadi participated at EXPOSEC DEFENSEWORLD conference
Dr Thanos Dokos participate at an OSCE workshop in Vienna, 31 March - 1 April 2014
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos, in a meeting of major European Think Tanks
Glossary of Greek-Turkish relations by Thanos Dokos
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr Thanos Dokos and Dr Theodore Tsakiris in a Wilton Park conference, 30 September - 2 October 2013
Participation by Professor Emeritus Theodore Couloumbis, Dr Thanos Dokos and Dr Theodore Tsakiris in the 4th annual Mediterranean Oil&Gas Conference
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Th. Dokos and Research Fellow Dr Th.Tsakiris in a conference of EDAM and FES
Dr Thanos Dokos to talk during a book launch event on Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos, in the ARI board members annual meeting
Dr Thanos Dokos participated as speaker in GMF Brussels Forum
Dr Thanos Dokos discusses energy geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean in a Tel Aviv University study
Participation by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Dokos and Research Fellow Dr Theodore Tsakiris at Athens Energy Forum
Dr Thanos Dokos gave talk on the Ukraine crisis at a DEREE public event
Dr Thanos Dokos participated at a NATO PDD workshop in Brussels, 07/04/2014
Dr Thanos Dokos analyses whether Schengen Area is viable on Carnegie Europe
Dr Thanos Dokos analyses on Carnegie Europe whether more European integration is required
Dr Thanos Dokos and Dr Theodore Tsakiris participated as speakers at an energy conference in Tel Aviv
Thanos Dokos and Ioannis Grigoriadis share their views on the Turkish election
Dr Thanos Dokos delivered a lecture at the Multinational Peace Support Operations Centre
ELIAMEP joins the debate on the crisis in Turkey
Carnegie Europe debate: Is a Cyprus Deal in Sight?
FMES seminar at the French Institute of Athens
Comment: "A new chapter in Greek-Russian relations"
ELIAMEP Public Debate: 'Let's Talk About Security'
Visit of students from the University of Geneva at ELIAMEP
Europe Direct ELIAMEP participates in the first meeting of the new Europe Direct Information Centers network
ELIAMEP a programming partner of Delphi Economic Forum
Collection of papers by ELIAMEP and Brookings on the Greek crisis
Comment: "The Iranian question and possible solutions"
Roundtable discussion organised by ELIAMEP and the Permanent Representation of Greece in Brussels
‘The Balkans and Global Security: What Do We Have in Common, What Sets Us Apart?’, Belgrade, 14-16 September 2011
Human resources
Dr Thanos Dokos analysis the Ukrainian crisis in his ELIAMEP Thesis
Writing for Welt Trends Dr Thanos Dokos analyses Greece's policy towards the Middle East
Schuman Report on Europe with a contribution by Dr Thanos Dokos
Dr Thanos Dokos analyses Greek foreign policy under the ongoing economic crisis
Comments and Suggestions on the Policy Document “Military Service & Defense” by Manos Iliadis and Dr. Thanos Dokos
New Publication by Director General of ELIAMEP Dr. Thanos Dokos
Dr Thanos Dokos analyses in Europe’s World what Ukraine can reasonably expect from the EU
Policy paper by Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr Thanos Dokos, on energy and Greek foreign policy
Dr Thanos Dokos' paper analyses the probability of nuclear use by Iran
Report on ELIAMEP’s Event on: “The name dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The role of public opinion and civil society, and the prospects for the future”
ELIAMEP Thesis 3/2010: Russia's 'regeneration' and the perspectives for the Greek-Russian relations
Vyron Theodoropoulos the diplomat and teacher: essays in the footprints of his thought
‘Short dictionary’ of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Joint monograph by ELIAMEP - CIDOB on the Greek crisis
Turkish drones, Greek challenges - Antonis Kamaras
'Short dictionary' of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Greece-US relations: Capitalizing on a generational high
ELIAMEP joins the debate on the Ukrainian crisis
ELIAMEP Thesis 3/2008 - Searching for a Solution to the Iranian Nuclear Puzzle
Short Dictionary of Greek-Turkish relations
Tension in Eastern Mediterranean: The geopolitical 'Quadrangle' of Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Turkey
Establishing Defence Studies in Greece? It’s high time…
Carnegie Europe debate: Turkey's future after the failed coup
CGI debate: Should the West Fear a Turkey-Russia Convergence?
ΕΛIAMEP Thesis 2/2012: ‘Why Kenneth Waltz is both right and wrong about the Iranian bomb’
Carnegie Europe debate: Can the EU ever be strategic?
EU-Turkey relations from a Greek perspective
ELIAMEP Thesis: 'Greek defence spending in times of crisis: The urgent need for defence reforms'
New Middle East-Mediterranean Report deal with the Palestinian Problem
Climate Change: Addressing the Impact on Human Security
NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue: Prospects and policy recommendations
How could terrorism be eradicated?
Policy Paper: 'Who Lost Greece? The Geopolitical Consequences of the Greek Crisis'
ELIAMEP's policy paper on military service and defence
Arab-Israeli Conflict: An Index of Strategic Terms
'Guide: The Conflict in Syria'
Security Problems in the Mediterranean
Debate on defence and security: The need for national security reforms
Debate on defence and security: New security threats
Achieving qualitative superiority: Greek conscription and the Turkish threat - Antonis Kamaras and Nikos Stournaras
Critical assessment of the Green Bible’s proposals regarding a future European Union marine policy
Five proposals to better deal with the refugee crisis
Contribution by ELIAMEP to a European study on defence budgets and cooperation
ELIAMEP White Book on Greek Foreign Policy, Defence and Security
From the Balkans to South East Europe: challenges and prospects in the 21st century
Debate on defence and security: on terrorism and violence
ELIAMEP policy paper deals with the Eastern Mediterranean in 2020
The impact of Brexit on Greece
The public debate on security
Briefing Note: 'The prospects for Greek-Israeli relations: A view from Athens'
Greek National Security Policy in the 21st Century