Dion TV of Thessaloniki broadcast an interview with Bledar Feta about the parallel public opinion polls focused on “Albania and Greece relations: What do citizens think” conducted by ELIAMEP and the Albanian Foundation for Open Society in collaboration with the Public Opinion Research Unit of the University of Macedonia and Data Centrum.

Commenting on the polls, Bledar Feta noted that “In terms of bilateral relations, the findings are quite optimistic. One in two citizens believe that relations between Greece and Albania are better today than in the past”.

He added that “In all, 31.5% of those questioned in Greece say bilateral relations are good, while only 16% consider them bad. In Albania, 65% consider them good, and only 5% as bad. These findings alone are sufficient to highlight the positive trend in public opinion and the prospects for relations between the two countries”.

You can watch the interview here, in Greek.