The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in partnership with the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence and the Foreign Policy Club (Pristina) organized on 9 – 12 March 2011 a three-day workshop on “The role and impact of media in divided societies and conflict ridden democracies: the case of the conflict over Kosovo”. The seminar covered issues such as the conflict prevention and peace building role of Albanian Kosovar and Serb journalists (both from Serbia and Kosovo) in the on-going Kosovo conflict. This programme is part of the Early Warning Project coordinated by International Alert and supported by the EU Instrument for Stability, and organizes similar actions in Nepal, Sierra Leone, Timor-Leste and Liberia.

For further information you may contact the Programme Director Associate Prof. Dimitris Sotiropoulos or Dr George Tzogopoulos, Bodossakis foundation post-doctoral fellow at ELIAMEP.

Click here for the programme of the workshop and the list of participants.