The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and the European University Institute (EUI) organized on Wednesday 8 July and Thursday 9 July 2015 an international conference on: “Governing Irregular Migration: States, Actors and Intermediaries”. The conference marked the completion of the IRMA project, funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Action “Aristeia”.

The conference asked three questions:

  • how migrants make and change their plans and strategies for migrating despite legal restrictions at destination countries,
  • which are the actors (national, local or transnational, state or non-state) that affect their decision making and actions, and how do they do it;
  • why specific actors are more effective than state policies in shaping migrants plans and decisions.

You can download the program here.

You can download the PowerPoint Presentations here:

Czaika Mathias: Senior Research Officer, International Migration Institute, Oxford University
Dimitriadi Angeliki: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ELIAMEP, Athens
Gemi Eda: Research Fellow, ELIAMEP, Athens
Hendow Maegan: Research Officer, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna (ICMPD)
Jayasuriya Dinuk: Adjunct Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra
Jeandesboz Julien: Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam
Kuschminder Katie: Post-Doctoral Researcher and Migration Studies Project Manager, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
Leontieva Yana: Research Fellow, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
Maroufof Michaela: Junior Research Fellow, ELIAMEP, Athens
McAuliffe Marie: Sir Roland Wilson Scholar, Australian National University, Canberra
Nikolova Marina: Junior Research Fellow, ELIAMEP, Athens
Triandafyllidou Anna: Professor, EUI & ELIAMEP
Uellen Sanda: University of Vienna and ICMPD

The Comparative Paper & the IRMA Policy Paper are available here.