28-31 May 2015

Cultural Center Sofia, Helsinki

This conference, organized by the Volos Academy for Theological Studies in cooperation with the Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University (New York, USA); the Chair of Orthodox Theology, Münster University (Germany); the Romanian Institute for Inter-Orthodox, Inter-Confessional and Inter-Religious Studies (INTER, Cluj-Napoca, Romania); the St Andrews Biblical Theological Institute (Moscow); the Institute for the Study of Culture and Christianity (Belgrade, Serbia); the Sankt Ignatios Theological Academy (Stockholm, Sweden); and the European Forum of the Orthodox Schools of Theology (EFOST, Brussels), considered issues related to totalitarianism, the demand for freedom and democracy, the concept and the reality of “Political Orthodoxy,” and the current position of the Orthodox Church within the context of the post-communist era, with the main, but not exclusive, focus on Eastern and Central Europe. Among the issues addressed were the relationship between Orthodoxy and Democracy, Orthodoxy and human rights, Orthodoxy and political liberalism, secularism, theological education, religious, national, and cultural pluralism and the challenges that these diverse realities pose to the Orthodox Church and its theological discourse concerning its self- understanding.

Principle Investigator Effie Fokas presented a paper on ‘The Challenge of Pluralism in Orthodoxy’.

Please find the Conference Programme here.

For further information about this Conference please see here.