In the aftermath of the Turkish referendum of 12 September many analysts did not hesitate to foresee the beginning of a new era in the country. In this context an issue of high interest is related – inter alia – to the evolution of Greek-Turkish relations. Taking part in the debate, the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) organised a panel discussion at the Y. Kranidiotis Amphitheatre in the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 8 October. Speakers included Dr. Ibrahim Kalın (Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister of Turkey, Ankara), Mr. Omer Celik (Vice Chairman, AKP and Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the Party, Ankara), Ms Paulina Lampsa (PASOK’s International Relations Secretary) and Dr. Thanos Dokos (Director General, ELIAMEP). Professor Theodore Couloumbis (Vice President of ELIAMEP) moderated the discussion.

From the perspective of Turkey Mr. Celik and Dr. Kalin focused on the objective of Mr. Erdogan’s government to create a ‘common vision’ for the Balkans. Both speakers argued that Greece and Turkey should co-operate in a more effective way in the short-term discussing issues that are not ‘hot political’ ones, as for instance environmental policy. In their view, a climate of mutual understanding between the countries will also pave the way for their disputes to be resolved – at least as Ankara perceives them. Dr. Kalin considered the political will in his country a positive element for the future developments while Mr. Celik added that Turkey does not constitute a threat for Greece but aims at promoting security in its neighborhood.

On the other side, Greek speakers welcomed Turkish proposal for a ‘common vision’ for the Balkans but also expressed their skepticism. Although the perspective of further co-operation between the two countries certainly falls within Greek interests, Ms. Lampsa and Dr. Dokos explained that Athens is still dissatisfied with some aspects of Turkish foreign policy. In particular, PASOK’s International Relations Secretary concentrated on the Cyprus issue which remains unresolved. For his part, Dr. Dokos mainly dealt with significant everyday issues that create tensions as for example Turkish violations of Greek airspace. According to the Director-General of ELIAMEP ‘functional solutions’ have to be found and applied (e.g. symbolic Turkish military overflights once per year) which will limit the danger of an accident and will lead to a ‘tone down’ approach.