The ELIAMEP IDEA research team has studied more in depth several migrant groups that have to this date been relative under-researched in the Greek context.

In particular, research has concentrated on two types of migrant populations. First, immigrant populations that are currently EU citizens and second, numerically important migrant groups, from Eastern Europe (Georgians and Ukrainians) and Asia (Pakistanis and Bangladeshis).

For more information on the results of the research, see the following Working Papers:

Maroufof, Michaela (2009), Polish Migrants in Greece

Lazarescu, Daria (2009), Romanian Migration in Greece

The entire research on Greek immigration policy and on the specific migrants groups is currently in preparation for publication as a book in Greek:

Triandafyllidou, A. and Maroukis, T. (2010) (Eds) Migration in 21st Century Greece, Athens: Kritiki, in Greek

For the table of contents (in Greek), see here